May 20, 2011

Is my pup suppose to be calm and submissive while in the crate and not cry at all before I move on to the second phase? Also, how do I know that he's accepted me as a leader?

Full Question:
Hi Cindy,

I have a training question to ask. I recently decided to back up my puppies training, back to square one starting with establishing pack structure. After watching the DVD on pack structure on the crate training I think I moved on to phase two to soon and would like to start again, because I don't think he views me as pack leader. He still cries a bit after I put him in before he settles down, sometimes a lot and even tries to bite me when putting him in. My question is, is he suppose to be calm and submissive going in and while in there and not cry at all before I move on to the second phase.

Thanks for you help I'm really trying make this work he's a very dominant puppy and has been since I got him at five weeks old and I not sure how much is puppy and how much is dominance.

Cindy Cindy's Answer:
Some puppies take a long time to quit crying in the crate, it's your job to only let him out when he's calm and quiet. Have you covered his crate with a towel or blanket so he's not looking at things and getting stimulated?

If he's trying to bite you when you put him in the crate then I assume you are forcing him to go in? Use food and marker training to make going in something that isn't a struggle, but a fun thing to do.

I'd make sure he's being good in the crate 80% of the time before moving on to the next step.

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Expert Dog Trainer Cindy Rhodes
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