May 20, 2011

I have a 1yr old GSD that is becoming increasingly afraid of meeting friendly strangers. I was hoping that you could provide me with some product recommendations.

Full Question:

My name is Leon and I have a 1yr old GSD that is becoming increasingly afraid of meeting friendly strangers. I take him on walks daily and he has attended obedience class since he was five months old.

Walking through the park or a crowd of people he behaves normal. The problems occur when I decide to walk up to someone for him to meet, he begins to bark and growl. In obedience class he is fine with anyone petting him even volunteers from audience. I am at a complete loss and was hoping that you could provide me with some things to try or some of your items that you sell. Thanks

Cindy Cindy's Answer:
I get emails about this very thing every day. Many dogs don’t have an interest in meeting people outside their family pack especially one on one. In a class setting or at the park your dog has learned what to expect and is comfortable with that.

I would recommend no longer asking your dog to meet strangers on the street, and I would tell the people you meet to IGNORE your dog. No talking or smiling at the dog, no LOOKING at the dog. Don’t try having the people feed treats or touch him. You walk your dog by these people like they are furniture. Many times puppies go through phases of unsureness as they mature, and it will pass if you don’t make it an issue. You want your dog to focus on you and pay attention to you and not worry about people. Personally I don’t see any reason for anyone to “meet” my dogs at all.

Your dog needs you to be a pack leader and keep him out of situations that make him feel uneasy. I think if you follow my advice you will see your dog start to relax around people on the street. He will realize you aren’t going to put him in any situation that makes him feel unconfident.

You may want to read our article on pack structure. There is a section on letting non family members pet my dogs. I would say that for your particular dog I would not give a correction for barking/growling at this point. It will probably only make your dog more worried about the strangers, so for now I would just try to keep the dog engaged on you with food or a toy, if you can.


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Expert Dog Trainer Cindy Rhodes
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