May 20, 2011

My 4 month old puppy does not see me as a pack leader, what do I do? I'm worried this could get serious.

Full Question:
Hi Cindy & Ed,

I ordered two dog training DVDs (puppy & pack structure) from you guys and they are fantastic! Both really opened my eyes to what I've been doing wrongly.

I have a 4 month old female Boston terrier/pug mix, who has quite a personality to match.

She recognizes my husband as leader of the pack but not me. I admit it is my fault as I babied her so she only listens to me at times and even growls at me when I tell her to stop doing something like jumping on the couch or letting go of a shoe. She also pulls on walks. Clearly I've not done much to earn her respect.

How do I reclaim my status as another pack leader? Do I crate her as in the pack structure DVD, only letting her out for walks and meals? We plan to start a family and I want to correct my mistake and get her under control or else I'm in trouble. Please help, what would you advise?

Thank you so much,
Cindy Cindy's Answer:
I think you should back up to the beginning and start over with your pack structure training. It’s not unusual for a dog to need a ‘refresher’ course and your dog is only 4 months old so she’s still a youngster.

I would definitely go back and revisit the Pack Structure video as well.

Don’t be afraid to use the crate a lot, and try not to baby her because dogs don’t see that as you being nice… they see this as you showing weakness. Dogs need structure and to know their place in the family. When you try to treat them like little humans or feel bad for treating them like dogs they pick up on that right away and try to make their move up the ladder to gain a higher rank.

I hope this helps.


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Expert Dog Trainer Cindy Rhodes
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