May 20, 2011

Where do we keep the crate? We are wondering if we are confusing him by moving the crate from room to room during the beginning phase of the crate/pack structure training?

Full Question:
Good Morning and thank you for sharing your philosophy and training methods so readily through web articles and DVDs. We have purchased 3 of your videos instituting the Pack Structure method at present with our 6 mo old Papillion/Pomeranian. From 3 mo (age we brought him to our home) we put him in a crate at night, which he accepted quickly. We are into Day Two of all day crate confinement and he is showing improvement in that he is screaming less and less. Our Q is: Where do we keep the crate? We began his life with us with the crate in our bedroom at night, then in the foyer during the day while we were at work. (He was confined to the foyer, but not to the crate although the crate was available for him to go into. Don't know if he did or not) We are wondering if we are confusing him by moving the crate from room to room during the beginning phase of the crate/pack structure training?

Thank you for your time. I tried to find the answer on other areas of your web site, but didn't come across this minor detail.

Cindy Cindy's Answer:
We have crates in several locations throughout our home. I have found that it actually helps the dog to have a consistent place to go no matter where in the house we are. The crate becomes a constant for them and it seems to help them relax.

I think moving your crate around your house is just fine.


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Expert Dog Trainer Cindy Rhodes
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