May 20, 2011

We placed our 4-yr-old GSD in a new home a few months ago. He was extremely obedient at the time but when he was returned, our GSD made a complete turn for the worse. Can you help us?

Full Question:
I have a problem that I'm not sure what direction I should go in here. I have a 4 year old GSD that I brought into our home at 10 weeks old. We placed him in a new home a few months ago, at the time his new owner picked him up he was extremely obedient, and very responsive, and had an excellent temperament. The person that took him, took on a new job and no longer had the time to spend with him. So "Jackson" is now back in my home with my family. I have 4 children, 11, 8, 7, and 18 months. Before he left he did excellent with the kids and my other dog. Now he is being aggressive with my other dog, and he has a nasty attitude with my 18 month old. His obedience is awful, his response is terrible, and I don't like his temperament at all!!! He has made a complete turn for the worse. I've kept him separated from my other dog, and the little one since I noticed this. Is this an issue that can be corrected? Or is my best bet to find him another home as a "only pet" with no children before its to late? Any help or suggestions are greatly appreciated.

Thank you,
Cindy Cindy's Answer:
I would guess that Jackson was allowed to do as he pleased and wasn’t given the proper structure. I would take charge of his life in a big way, and manage him like he’s a new puppy in your home. All his privileges and free time would be 100% controlled from now on. This may take a while, depending on how consistent you can be.

I’d start with:

Groundwork program.
Pack Structure for the Family Pet

Some dogs have a real problem switching homes and they feel unsettled and “lost”. See if giving him some structure and clear leadership doesn’t help him come back to the dog you knew before. I most certainly wouldn’t pass him on to a new home, it would probably make his behavior even worse.


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Expert Dog Trainer Cindy Rhodes
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