May 20, 2011

When we went in to the vet my dog sat in her carrier and trembled. What should I do for her? She wanted to nip at the vet's hand when he offered it to her--what should I do about that?

Full Question:
Dear Cindy,

Thanks so much for all your good answers for me concerning my adult dog and puppy who is now 8 months old. I have just finished for the first time the Dominant Dog DVD and it was so helpful--especially differentiating between corrections; for disobedience and also for inappropriate pack behavior (that was/is most of my puppy's problem).

My main question right now is; last week she was spayed and is doing really well not bothering her stitches. Next Thursday we go to have them out. When we went in to the vet (he is very nice and loves her though we hadn't been there for several months) she sat in her carrier and trembled. What should I do for her? How can I comfort her and let her know I'll take care of her without seeming like I'm condoning and giving her reason to fear. She wanted to nip at the vet's hand when he offered it to her--what should I do about that? Thanks again for answering me.

Timisoara, Romania
Cindy Cindy's Answer:
Many dogs are nervous about the vet. I would keep the dog under your control and not allow her to have access to biting anyone. Tell the vet to do his job and not try to pet her or be buddies with her, if she's afraid this will only make her more nervous.

This is all about being a calm and in control pack leader. Don't baby her or sit there and pet her and baby talk her. Be matter of fact and act like it's not a big deal to be there. Comforting her will come in the form of being calm and reliable. Don't put her in a position where she feels cornered or like she needs to defend herself.


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