May 20, 2011

My 9 month old pup does great with commands on leash, but as soon as the leash comes off he turns into a beast. What can I do?

Full Question:
Hey there,

I have a 9 month old neutered GSD, who already weighs 85 lbs (he is not over weight, still see contour and vet says he's just big). We have used your videos about pack structure and basic obedience. We try to follow all the rules all the time. He waits before going through door ways or gates, waits for his food at at sit. He knows sit, stay, come, down. Just when I think we can let him off leash (using prong collar) in the house, he turns in to an absolute beast. He jumps on all members of the family. If we turn our backs, he jumps on our backs. If we don't pay attention to him, he walks up and grabs a hand or foot or whatever limb he can get his teeth on. When I try to take him by the collar to kennel him, he rolls on his back and goes completely wild and deaf.

He has freedom in a very large back yard. We tried kenneling him most of the day, but he is better behaved when he has some exercise in the yard. If I don't take him on a good walk each day, he is barely manageable. He is improving with age but geez. I'm aging with his improvement. Would love to exercise him more but he has dysplasia (a freak in his line according to the breeder - oh well, we love the beast). He's beautiful, strong and very smart. What kind of job can we give him?

Advice or do we need more patience? Thanks for your help and all that you do.

Cindy Cindy's Answer:
First of all, your dog is far from ready to be off leash. I would quit testing him and just keep him on the leash until you have gone a REALLY LONG time without having to use it. So many people get in a hurry to take the dog off leash and all you succeed in doing is teaching the dog that when you take the leash off, the dog can run wild.

A dog can't jump on you if you are keeping him on leash and your eyes on him. Don't turn your back on him. If you can't keep your eyes on him, then he needs to be in the crate. He's playing you. This dog isn't even close to mentally mature, but when he is you are going to have more serious issues if you don't get his respect now.

I know you said that he can't exercise because of hip dysplasia. How severe is it? Have you had him evaluated by an orthopedic specialist? I'd spend some time researching safe exercise for him, swimming or hill walking.

I'd also try to engage his mind. I've found no better way to do this than with marker training. The Power of Training Dogs with Markers DVD

I believe that this DVD could really help you. It's titled DEALING WITH DOMINANT AND AGGRESSIVE DOGS and was a 5 year project. I don't believe your dog is being "aggressive" at this point, but he is definitely showing dominance. You may want to take a look at what this DVD covers.

I'd beef up the structure and leadership with this dog. He'd have to look to me for everything. He'd eat in his crate, etc.....

I can't stress enough, keep him on the leash. You have accidentally been training him to behave this way by teaching him that leash off means NO Rules.


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Expert Dog Trainer Cindy Rhodes
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