May 20, 2011

My dog whines all the time. Is it just her or am I missing something?

Full Question:
Kind of a silly question since we have had several litters of gs dogs but our 4 year female puzzles me. Likes people, other dogs no problems in particular. She has been to the vet, has had one small litter, gorgeous pups, wrestles with the male, good appetite-but she whines all the time. Vet check ok whines when you are outside, whines when you bring her in, it's like there is something wrong and I don't see it or something in her personality I just don't understand. Is it just her or am I missing something??

Cindy Cindy's Answer:
Typically dogs like this are anxious. Many times dogs like this are being accidentally reinforced by their owners for the whining. People say things like "what’s wrong?" "what do you want?" etc… and this just reinforces the behavior.

The best thing you can do for a dog like this is to give very clear and firm leadership. Whining gets NO attention, no eye contact, nothing. If your dog knows obedience, give her something else to do instead (like go lay on her bed).

You may want to try our groundwork program with her. Sometimes giving dogs like this structure and giving them a reason to be calm will change their demeanor. I have a dog much like yours only she doesn’t whine, she pants and paces. Giving her structure and a place to relax (crate) has made a lot of difference.


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Expert Dog Trainer Cindy Rhodes
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