May 23, 2011

I just adopted a new 9 month old GSD, and I wonder if it’s too late to do the groundwork you have on your website?

Full Question:

My family and I adopted a 9 month old GSD yesterday, though I didn't find your website until tonight.

About him, I don't think he is a dominate dog. When we first met him he came up with his head down and ears flat to my hand. Since he's been here he does the same thing.

My question is.... is it too late to start ground work/pack structure training if we've pretty much did the opposite of everything that was suggested? I've tried to do basic obedience training before I found your site and he didn't have much motivation. After reading articles I realized that there is more to it then just "sit" and "stay."

Any help would be appreciated. Thank you!

Cindy Cindy's Answer:
It’s never too late to start the groundwork, some people own dogs for years before they figure out they need to do this. Start with the work in the article and then I’d recommend the video Pack Structure for the Family Pet.

Dogs that are rescued or adopted many times start out behaving as you describe and then they get through what I call the “honeymoon” period (typically about a month) and then they begin to push their limits as they realize that this is their new permanent residence. You can avert some of that by starting the groundwork/pack structure as soon as possible. Dogs gain comfort from structure, and feel more secure in their place in the family when you give them clear rules.

You can try using the search function on the website to find the answer to any additional questions. It is located in the left hand corner of every page on our website. Simply type in your search terms or key words and you will be directed to articles, question & answers, free streaming videos and posts on our forum.

I hope this helps.


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Expert Dog Trainer Cindy Rhodes
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