May 23, 2011

I have a shepherd who isn’t letting the pup nurse. What should I do?

Full Question:
I have a question that isn't on your whelping puppy tape. I have a Bitch German Shepherd that isn?t letting the puppy nurse. I tried putting the puppy on a Rott, but the Rott tried to bite the head off. The bitch Rott hates the other dog, though. I want to save the pup but how? We got a tube for tube feeding. I'm going to take the pup and the mom to a vet tomorrow. But what should I do? She isn't a good mother at all. This was her first puppy. Should I get her spayed, and keep her as a pet? Me and this dog have a good partnership.

Cindy Cindy's Answer:
You should not breed this dog again. There is something missing in a dogs head that will not nurse her own puppy. So spay the bitch.

Depending on how old the pup is, you can try tube feeding it. Pups need colostrum from their own mother which comes in the first 48 hours. make the mother lay there while you hold the pup and let it suck. If you have to muzzle her, do it, but the pup should be kept in a box with a heating pad at 90 degrees. Put the pup on the mom 9 or 10 times a day.

The important thing is to sit and hold the pup so it will suck. If you can't get this done it’s going to die.

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Expert Dog Trainer Cindy Rhodes
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