May 23, 2011

How do you raise your pups that make them so easy to house train? We have seen several of your dogs and they were all house trained in no time.

Full Question:
Hi Ed,

I talked to Randy and we decided to drop you a line. Both puppies are doing great, already showing great drive and intensity for their work. I have been tracking Willow and she is a natural!! Great ball drive and already out at the end of the leash like a little Tasmanian devil when she watches bite work.

On another note, could you briefly describe how you set up your litters? She was so easy to housebreak and everyone who has gotten a puppy from you has said the same. I am expecting a litter in July and would love to set them up so my puppy buyers could experience this. I bred my SchH 1 bitch to Joan Harris's male (Isar vom Leerburg SchH 3). Any info would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance!!
Cindy Cindy's Answer:
I am really picky on a clean kennel. I go overboard to try and keep it clean, so the pups never really learn to be dirty. From the day they come out of the whelping box they go into a whelping room with newspapers. I put the newspapers on the floor in one counter, and the other corner I put blankets down for them to lay on. They naturally go to the paper after a day or so.

Then when they go outside they go on flats for 1 week, the flooring is a plastic floor with holes (it's for pig farmers don’t ask me where, I bought it too long ago). These flats have their own dog houses with straw, so again the pups are never in their own waste it falls through the flats.

After a week they are then on the ground and the dog houses always has fresh straw so they naturally sleep in a clean environment and learn to do their business either on paper or at least not where they sleep.

I hope this helps.

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Expert Dog Trainer Cindy Rhodes
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