April 19, 2011

I just adopted a 1 1/2 year old GSD. He is a wonderful dog, but he gets into things at night when we are asleep. I have mixed feelings about crating him. What can I do?

Full Question:
Hello - I just adopted a 1 1/2 year old German Shepherd from the German Shepherd Rescue in Las Vegas. He is awesome! He gets along great with my other dog, and he is getting along with my cat very nicely. But we have 1 problems that I can not seem to fix or train out of him. The vet suggested to crate train him, and I have mixed feelings about that. Our other dog is not crate trained and he does just fine. The bad habits is that at night he grabs anything that I have left on the counter, not my husband and rips it to shreds. Last night he shredded my lunch box, the night before he was sleeping with my purse. The night before that I was using my husband's cell phone and as soon as I put it down he grabbed that. I do not get it. I think he might be board, but I have 3 treat balls, 3 raw hides, 2 stuffed animals, 3 ropes and many other toys inside just for the night time when the problem occurs. I do not know what to do. During the day it is not a problem it is only at night when I am sleeping in my bed room with my husband and he and my other dog is sleeping in the kitchen area. What do I do?

Ed Ed's Answer:
Get a dog crate and use it. This is an owner problem not a dog problem. Your concerns about crates are unfounded and not correct.

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