May 23, 2011

Nine weeks after the birth of an all dead litter, my bitch is still passing a mucus/blood discharge daily, perhaps the equivilant of one teaspoon. Any idea why?

Full Question:

I have enjoyed reading your website, thank you for all the wonderful information.

I do hope that you will be able to answer my queries regarding my 3.5 year old rottweiler bitch.

She is of excellent pedigree and holds multiple champion titles, after very careful planning and consideration, she was mated in September to a proven stud dog. Her pregnancy seemed to go perfectly, textbook even.

She felt great and was in superb condition and health apart from recurring diarrhea. I could feel the a puppy kicking on each side if I rested my hand gently on her tummy, this kicking ceased sometime during the 8th week and she did not gain any size after that time. I assumed that the puppies were becoming quiet because there wasn't much space left inside. On day 61, she went into early labour and was rushed to the vet for a c-section when a dark oil like discharge appeared. She delivered one fully developed but small dead puppy and one very small puppy with a partially formed spine enroute to the vets (these were delivered within seconds of each other). When she was sectioned there was another pup in the birth canal, he was the largest although still a little small and was fully formed but dead. All the pups were encased in meconium filled sacs and the pups themselves were discoloured. She later passed what appeared to be an afterbirth but on examination it was actually a half formed pup, (head, shoulders & front legs, the back end was still like a fetus).

I am told that these things can happen and have not received any real answers as to what may have been the cause of death for the puppies.

My main concern is that 9 weeks after the birth, my bitch is still passing a mucus/blood discharge daily, perhaps the equivalent of one teaspoon. This usually occurs on urination, although her bed is often stained. She has been treated with antibiotics twice and my vet feels that it is not a cause for concern, she seems otherwise to be in excellent health and condition. I do hope to mate her again, although she will be skipping a season. She usually comes into season every four months and bleeds for 21-25 days, I am told that this is not the norm.

I would greatly appreciate if you can shed any light on this matter. The wellbeing of my girl is my main priority.

Thank you in advance.

Cindy Cindy's Answer:
Anytime there is an issue with reproductive health I recommend finding a repro specialist. Your dog needs a thorough exam, a possible scope and ultrasound to determine the status of her reproductive tract. I’d also recommend a full thyroid panel and any other bloodwork a repro vet deems necessary.

I believe vaccinations play a huge role in breeding problems, as well as exposure to toxins in the household and a diet that isn’t always species appropriate.

I don’t know if any of these things apply to your dog, I am talking generally here. Our breeding stock is vaccine free, raw fed and we do not use chemicals on or around them. You may not find the answers for the loss of this last litter, but you can probably rule some things out.

I’d recommend finding a specialist in your area and spending some time on our website, we have a lot of info on health and breeding. I would direct you to the search function in the upper left corner of the website for any additional questions you may have.. If you type in your key words it will guide you to articles, Q&A’s and posts on our forum. I hope this helps


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Expert Dog Trainer Cindy Rhodes
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