April 19, 2011

My Rot pees all over himself and everything when he is scolded. Please help.

Full Question:

I have a one year old Rottweiler. He is great with my two young children but I can not get him to calm down. Our biggest problem is that he pees all over himself and anything else near him when ever he gets scolded. He does this more so with my husband than myself. The only time that it is really bad is when he is really getting yelled at. Not just a little "Hey knock that off!" Please help us if you can.

Thank You sooo much,
Ed Ed's Answer:
Your dog is still not an adult and he is being submissive to you and your husband. This is a normal behavior for dogs, and scolding him will only make the peeing issue worse. Dogs don’t need to be yelled at, they need clear leadership.

Please read this article about becoming an effective pack leader. This article was written for people like yourself, people who have great intentions but not enough knowledge of pack structure.. There are links within the article that will take you to other articles on the web site.

We also just released a new DVD on Pack Structure for the Family Pet, it’s over 4 hours of information on how to live with your dog. You can check this link to read what is covered in the video.

If you use the search function on our site and type in submissive urination you will find lots of information on this as well.

I hope this helps.

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Expert Dog Trainer Cindy Rhodes
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