May 24, 2011

I just adopted a Great Pyr from the Pound and he is underweight. I am considering the raw diet, but have heard that raw makes dogs aggressive. Is this true?

Full Question:
I'm just researching food for my great pyrenese. I just got him from the pound on Sunday and so far he's just the best pet ever. He's terribly underweight though--79lbs, so I'm trying to fatten him up. Never heard about alternative dog food before. How much would it cost to feed my great pyr this prepared all natural dog food? He's supposed to between 89 and 130lbs. Also, I've always heard that feeding dogs raw meat makes them more aggressive. Is that true? Our dog is our family pet and we have small children so I'm nervous about that. Would love to know what a natural diet costs. Right now I'm just giving him pedigree dog food and I've been adding eggs, wheat germ, flax seed meal and olive oil for extra calories. I tried giving him some carrots and apples, but he wasn't interested. Thank you for your suggestions and information. Also, are rawhide bones bad?

Cindy Cindy's Answer:
I would start by reading the article on feeding a raw diet. I think it will answer a lot of your questions. I can’t tell you how much feeding your dog will cost, because I don’t know how much he will eat and what you will be feeding him. Dogs are not MADE aggressive by feeding raw foods, that’s one of those myths that just won’t go away. It makes NO sense if you think about it.

I would never give rawhides, they are not digestible and can cause health problems due to the chemicals they treat the hides with. If you want to give him something to chew, get knuckle bones from your meat department or butcher.

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Expert Dog Trainer Cindy Rhodes
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