May 24, 2011

My 6 month Dobe is on Embark and chicken wings but she is too skinny. What can I do to help her gain weight?

Full Question:
I have my 6 month old Dobe pup on Embark with 5 chicken wings. I was giving her ? cup w/ the wings twice a day. She was getting too skinny. The vet chewed me out yesterday; the day before I had increased the amount I was giving her to 1 cup twice daily with the same number of wings. Is there anything else I can add to make sure that she gains a healthy amount of weight? It will probably help with her paw issue as well from what the vet tells me. I appreciate all of your help. Thanks!
Cindy Cindy's Answer:
I would add more than wings, I would add raw beef hamburger with the highest fat content you can find. Eggs, canned fish, lamb, etc….. I may add chicken leg quarters instead of wings, more meat and fat on them.

Realize that growing dogs sometimes eat from 5-10% of their body weight every day (if being fed a raw diet). Adults usually need 2-3%....adjust your feeding amounts according to how your dog looks, and with a pup you may be changing the amount every day or two.

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Expert Dog Trainer Cindy Rhodes
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