May 24, 2011

My puppy was diagnosed with Coccidia this week. She is on a kibble/raw mixed diet. Should I feed her raw only? What would be best for her?

Full Question:
We brought our puppy home on Friday and had her at the vet on Monday. We had brought a stool sample and they found out she has coccidia. She has to take one pill Alban for 20 days. Since she was at raw diet and kibble at the breeder I did the same, but I wonder if it might be better if I feed her raw only. What is your opinion? She east K9 Kraving and loves it. Other than a slightly loose stool she is doing fine. Is there anything I can feed her to help heel her intestines?

Cindy Cindy's Answer:
I will always recommend raw only over anything, coccidia or not. J it’s the food your pup was designed to eat and digest. It will be healthier for her in the long run. If she was my puppy, she would be on raw without any kibble at all.

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Expert Dog Trainer Cindy Rhodes
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