May 24, 2011

I have switched my dogs to raw and was wondering about supplements. Do you have any advice?

Full Question:
After reading your web site (found via google) I have decided to start raw/natural feeding my two dogs but I have a couple of queries I wonder if you can help me with.

Firstly, the reason I have been researching a new diet for my dogs is that Leo my 13 year old Maltese, Chinese crested mix has recently been diagnosed with congenital heart failure so I am looking for a salt/sodium free diet for him so my question here is as Leo is fairly old now would it be a good idea to start giving him a raw diet? (apart from his heart he is a healthy dog).

Secondly, in your suggestion of a diet you say about giving turkey hamburger? What is that exactly? Is that what we would call turkey mince in Ireland? I've never heard of 'hamburger' meat before!

I look forward to hearing from you & thank you for your very informative web site ? I'll be recommending it to all my 'doggie' friends!

Cindy Cindy's Answer:
We are not health care professionals, and when dealing with an older dog with a pre-existing condition I would advice obtaining medical advice from a vet, nutritionist or other health care expert.

Switching old dogs to a raw diet is possible, but sometimes takes a bit longer than a younger dog. if you are feeding raw, fresh foods then the salt content will be much lower than any type of processed food so I would expect that if your dog handles switching fine it would be a good thing for his overall health.

Turkey hamburger is the same thing as turkey mince.

Read the article on feeding a raw diet. It’s a work in progress but there is a lot of good information there.

I would also recommend these books, Natural Nutrition for Dogs & Cats and Raw Dog Food.

You can also go to our Feeding Dogs Page for a list of articles and books that will be helpful to you.

Good luck with your dog!

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Expert Dog Trainer Cindy Rhodes
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