May 24, 2011

I want to feed my dog HK with added food and am unsure about how much I should be feeding. Any suggestions?

Full Question:

I found out about the Honest Kitchen on your website First of all, congratulations on your website and the quality of the products that you carry. Here is my question: I plan on feeding my dog a mix of The Honest Kitchen Embark formula and raw food either from Nature's Variety or Raw Advantage, the only two frozen raw food brands easily found where I live (chicken, turkey, or lamb, supplemented with occasional necks and recreational bones). I also occasionally give my dog some unsweetened kefir, or some cooked whole eggs. I would like to know the recommended quantity of Embark to feed him, and any other suggestions/advice to make sure he has a complete diet. The dog is a Tibetan Mastiff puppy, currently just a little over three months old and about 40lbs. As an adult, he is going to weigh over 125lbs. Because it's a large/giant breed, I need to keep the amount of proteins and calcium relatively low, and would rather keep it underweight than overweight. The dog is fed three meals a day (7a.m., 12:30 p.m., 7 p.m.) and the meals are left there of him to enjoy over time (modified free-feeding aka portion feeding diet) to avoid bloat. By the way, I want to double check that The Honest Kitchen can be left in the bowl for 4-5 hours without any problem -- I assume it can since you recommend hydrating it overnight. Thank you for your advice, and thank you for any advice about possible supplements to provide any needed elements (e.g., apple cider vinegar, fish oil, etc.).

Cindy Cindy's Answer:
Hi Luigi

The feeding guidelines for all the Honest Kitchen products are on our website and on each package. Remember these are guidelines, each and every dog and pup is different. I feed my dogs according to how they look and modify the amount accordingly. with growing pups this can change from day to day.

here is a question and answer section specifically on raw foods.

I do rehydrate HK overnight, but I never recommend free feeding. I would re-evaluate that idea. A dog’s digestive tract is not designed for small amounts of food all day long like a grazing animal, they are designed to eat a meal (quickly) and then have a chance for their system to empty out. For pack structure, leadership and training free feeding is one of the worst things you can do, especially with a strong breed like a TM.

The 2 supplements I absolutely recommend for every dog is Salmon Oil and Vitamin E.


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Expert Dog Trainer Cindy Rhodes
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