May 24, 2011

I have a 9 month old German Shepherd-Timberwolf mix and I'm worried about whether or not I'm feeding her enough for her to grow at a normal healthy rate. What are your thoughts?

Full Question:

I have a 9 month old German Shepherd-Timberwolf mix and I'm worried about whether or not I'm feeding her enough for her to grow at a normal healthy rate. I was feeding her four cups of the "Solid Gold: Wolf Cub" a day, but since I've been browsing your web-site I started only feeding her two cups a day and making her earn it with a training session before she eats. She's lost enough weight that I can notice a definition between her ribcage and her loin, though she doesn't look starved. I'm just curious whether you think this is good for her growth and nutrition or should I start feeding her more. Also, I cooked some ground venison and put it in a zip-lock in the refrigerator. I've been using this as an alternative to my other treats. Do you think this is okay? Thanks for your help!

Cindy Cindy's Answer:
As for feeding, when using commercial dog food the guidelines on the packaging are merely that.... guidelines. In my opinion, they always recommend a large amount of food (probably to get you to use more of the product so you have to buy more). We go by the way the dog looks and body condition. Too thin and you should increase the amount of food, too fat and you should decrease. I do feel there are better options than the brand of food you are using.

Here is an article we have on that.

Venison for treats is great! We use the same thing. :)

I hope this helps,

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Expert Dog Trainer Cindy Rhodes
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