May 24, 2011

My dog is a picky eater and won't eat his vegetables. I know he is hungry, what can I do to get him to eat them?

Full Question:
Dear Cindy,

You answered a question for me a couple of years ago and I wondered if you can do it again. I purchased a 2 year old American pitbull terrier in April 2008 and I'm having trouble with him adjusting to his raw diet. He will eat the meat and bones part just fine but when it comes to the veggies, he will not budge. I do not feed him veggies every day, just a couple times a week but to no avail. Tried steaming them, didn't work. Yogurt or cottage cheese didn't work. Switched him to Honest Kitchen (Force), not working. Fasting a couple of days doesn't work. I know he doesn't need them all the time but I know he will be lacking in his diet if all meat is given. I tried to see if he wasn't feeling good one day or if he just wasn't hungry so I offered him some cheap kibble and he ate every morsel in about 3 minutes no problem so I know he is hungry. I do give him supplements - vitamins, kelp, alfalfa, fish oil, yogurt, eggs, not everyday but spread out during the week. So my question is have you ever had such a picky eater and if you did, what did you do? Any suggestions will help me out so so much. Thank you for your time.

Cindy Cindy's Answer:
I wouldn’t worry about making him eat the veggies. We feed occasional veggies to our dogs but actually they don’t need them to be healthy. As long as he gets the meat, bones, organs and supplements he should be fine.

Some dogs like them and some dogs don’t, but they are not necessary for good health. I hope this helps.


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Expert Dog Trainer Cindy Rhodes
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