May 24, 2011

I have a four year old gsd with an extremely sensitive stomach. I would like to start him on a raw diet. He never has a solid stool and any type of food change causes major diarrhea. Can you suggest how I should start the process and also recommend the best book to start with.

Full Question:
Hi Cindy,

I have a 4-year-old GSD. I would like to start him on a raw diet. He has always been on kibble. He has an extremely sensitive stomach. He never has a solid stool and any type of food change causes major diarrhea. Can you suggest how I should start the process and also recommend the best book to start with. He is an athletic dog and loves to jump in the air for frisbees. This activity makes his shoulder sore. I was wondering if changing to raw would help his joints stay healthy or do I need to give him something additional to the raw.

Thank you,
Cindy Cindy's Answer:
Read this article on feeding a raw diet. It’s a work in progress but there is a lot of good information there.

I would also recommend these books, Natural Nutrition for Dogs & Cats and Raw Dog Food.

You can also go to our Feeding Dogs Page for a list of articles and books that will be helpful to you.

I try to limit high impact activity like Frisbee, I know several dogs who have ended up really injuring themselves while playing. The jumping in the air is spectacular and fun to watch but it’s really dangerous especially for a longer bodied and heavy dog like a GSD. One of my friends GSDs had a career ending back injury that resulted in multiple surgeries and rehab. There are many other lower impact ways to exercise and play with your dog. If your dog is showing a sore shoulder it is possible that he has some damage already. Diet can help overall health and body condition but it can’t protect a dog from injury and wear and tear.

I would suggest some x-rays of the shoulder and elbow area of the sore leg, to make sure there isn’t any serious injury or arthritis going on there.


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Expert Dog Trainer Cindy Rhodes
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