May 24, 2011

My question to you is about my dog's poop. He is only going once or twice a day in very small amounts. Is this normal?

Full Question:
Hi Cindy,

I received the books you recommended on feeding raw last Thursday. I started my GSD on Friday with the chicken backs and necks. I happy to say he's loving it! My question to you is about his poop.

He is only going once or twice a day in very small amounts. Is this normal? I'm not sure if he's constipated. He has always had very loose and large stinky stools, so this is an extreme change. Also, I took him to the vet to check on his sore elbow and shoulder, he embarrassed me. He whined from the time we got in there until the time we left. He was not listening to me, I couldn't get him to down and roll over for the vet to check him. I had him on the prong collar and it seemed to be useless.

What did I do wrong? He's going back for the x-rays next week, I would like to have more control. I really appreciate all of your advice and the promptness of your response.

Cindy Cindy's Answer:
It sounds like your dog is doing well on the diet, that’s great. What you describe for his stools are normal and one of the many benefits of the raw diet. If you think his stools seem too hard and he’s straining you can add a bit more boneless meat to his meals, or a dollop of plain canned pumpkin (not pie filling, 100% pure pumpkin).

As for the whining at the vet, I would say its because he is anxious and the prong collar just stimulates dogs that are anxious or showing aggression. If you are feeling anxious and frustrated then it just makes HIM feel more upset and it’s a vicious circle.

I would probably try a dominant dog collar and give him calm pressure UP when he whines and acts anxious, as opposed to using the prong. Since you only have a week before he goes back to the vet, it may be that you don’t have time to make a lot of progress on this but try being calm, firm and not “popping” the prong collar because that just pumps the dog up.

I hope this helps.


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Expert Dog Trainer Cindy Rhodes
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