May 24, 2011

I've had Sheba on Blue Buffalo with limited results. I also supplement with NuvetPlus. Based on your information on raw diets I've decided to switch. Do you see any reason to stop the Nuvet while transitioning Sheba to the raw diet?

Full Question:
I've had Sheba on Blue Buffalo with limited results. I also supplement with NuvetPlus. Based on your information on raw diets I've decided to switch. However, I have a few questions. You say to only feed chicken for a few weeks and then begin adding other types of meat, etc. Sheba is 62 lbs. so I believe I should feed almost 2 lbs per day. Should I split this in half and feed two times a day or just once? I usually feed 75% at night and the rest in the morning. Next do you see any reason to stop the Nuvet while transitioning Sheba to the raw diet?

As always thanks for the valuable information that you and Ed have made available to the world. All of our dogs will be a lot better off.

Thanks again,
Sheba and Bill
Cindy Cindy's Answer:
I’m not sure what’s in Nuvet, so I can’t comment on that. Salmon Oil and Vitamin E are the supplements I recommend every day.

Read this article on feeding a raw diet. It’s a work in progress but there is a lot of good information there.

I would also recommend these books, Natural Nutriton for Dogs & Cats and Raw Dog Food. We give these 2 books to all our puppy customers and rarely get questions on how to feed. I wouldn’t recommend anyone feed a raw diet without these reference materials at hand.

You can also go to our Feeding Dogs Page for a list of articles and books that will be helpful to you.

Good luck!

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Expert Dog Trainer Cindy Rhodes
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