May 24, 2011

I have German Pinschers and have tried the raw diets, the blood work is a real mess on the Pinschers. But I'm looking for a really good food I can feed them. I do not know about any of the foods you sell, so I'm vey interested in what you have to say.

Full Question:
Hi Cindy,

Sure could use some help with some foods. I have German Pinschers and have tried the raw diets, the blood work is a real mess on the Pinschers. But I'm looking for a really good food I can feed them. I live in a po-dunk little town, that if you don't feed Ole Roy your in trouble. So I sure could use your help. I do not know about any of the foods you sell at Leerburg, so I'm vey interested in what you have to say.

Cindy Cindy's Answer:
I personally feel the raw diet (when properly formulated) is the best way to go. I am not sure how you were feeding them raw before but you may want to read this article on feeding a raw diet. It’s a work in progress but there is a lot of good information there.

I would also recommend these books, Natural Nutrition for Dogs & Cats and Raw Dog Food.

You can also go to our Feeding Dogs Page for a list of articles and books that will be helpful to you.

Right now we carry The Honest Kitchen food, there is a lot of information on this page. We feed this in conjunction with the raw diet but many people feed this as the complete diet for their dogs.

I hope this helps.

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Expert Dog Trainer Cindy Rhodes
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