May 24, 2011

Should I have concern over my GSD's eating chickens that ARE NOT 'free range' or 'organic' fed chickens? I'm concerned about hormone injections in these chickens causing high estrogen levels in dogs.

Full Question:

Should I have concern over my GSD's eating chickens that ARE NOT "free range" or "organic" fed chickens? A health food store employee asked me about long-term concerns due to all the hormone injections into grocery store chickens and chickens from a restaurant supplier and that this may cause high estrogen levels in the dogs over long term feeding?

Also, why do you add salmon oil to the food rather than herring oil or other fish oils? Is the fish oil mainly for the coat or "brain food" for the dog? There would be other more balanced ways of providing omega 3, 6 and 9 other than from fish oil, wouldn't there?

Espanola, Ontario
Cindy Cindy's Answer:
I don’t know about Canada but in the US there are no hormones fed to commercially raised chickens. Organic is always best but if you read the labels on the meat you select for your dogs and avoid excess additives (like the solution that is added to some meat to make the selling weight heavier) your dogs should be fine.

Naturally raised, grass fed meat is the best way to have balanced Omegas but we have found that salmon oil AND vitamin e are the best combination for dogs and cats. Salmon oil is helpful for skin, coat, is a cancer fighter and a natural anti-inflammatory.


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Expert Dog Trainer Cindy Rhodes
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