May 24, 2011

My pup's diet currently consists of Royal Canin and milk replacer. I would like to switch her to a Raw diet and if you have any suggestions on what would be easiest on her?

Full Question:
Hi Cindy,

I am so glad I found your site as I purchased a German Shepherd puppy and will be bringing her home December 15th. Her diet currently consists of Royal Canin and milk replacer. I would like to switch her to a Raw diet and if you have any suggestions on what would be easiest on her? I have a lot of venison available, could I use that at first or should I buy some ground beef? I purchased Natural Nutrition for Dogs and Cats and Raw Dog Food (just waiting for them to arrive) but would like your advice on changing gradually or cold turkey? Should I incorporate Honest Kitchen?

Thank you for your time!

Cindy Cindy's Answer:
We have a Q&A on raw feeding, and the books will help you a lot.

I would probably do a gradual switch with a young puppy, since there is already a lot of stress involved with leaving the litter, going to a new home, etc.

I'd probably wait to incorporate Honest Kitchen until your pup is eating a simple ingredient raw diet successfully.


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Expert Dog Trainer Cindy Rhodes
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