May 24, 2011

What is your opinion on using Honest Kitchen Preference in lieu of separate supplements? Also, do you think salmon oil offers an advantage over flaxseed oil?

Full Question:
Hi Cindy,

I really appreciate your website & articles. I just rec'd a couple of training videos from you and I can't wait to get started on the Michael Ellis Focused Heeling one. :-)

I have a raw diet question for you. I have been feeding my pup raw since she was about 5 months old and she is doing great (she's now 2 & a half).

I read Kymythy Schultze's diet, most (if not all) the articles on your site re: raw diets, and quite a few other articles and books in between. I am very confident in the diet I put together, but I have a couple of questions. I use The Honest Kitchen Preference instead of supplementing with alfalfa, kelp, & fresh pulped veggies. After comparing the cost & time of doing it myself, I decided Preference was the smart way for me to go. It has alfalfa, kelp and a great variety of veggies, and I don't have to mess around with it. It's all I use for the veggie part of the diet, which is about 15% of her total diet. What is your opinion on using Preference in lieu of separate supplements for alfalfa/kelp/fresh pulped veggies?

I am also curious about using salmon oil. I've been using flaxseed oil for a couple of reasons - one is that I use it too, and two, I just have the one 35lb dog. The wild salmon oil is rather expensive b/c it expires when I'm about half-way through the smallest (8oz) bottle. Do you think the salmon oil offers a significant advantage over the flaxseed?

Thanks for reading.

Cindy Cindy's Answer:
Hi Becky,

I think using Preference in lieu of pulped veggies/kelp/alfalfa is fine.

I do believe that salmon oil is better for dogs than flaxseed oil. Dogs are designed to eat animal based food, and while flax is great for us I’ve found that most dogs do better on salmon or fish body oil. I really don’t even feed veggies regularly to our dogs unless they are being bred. Salmon oil is a natural anti-inflammatory and SO along with Vitamin E are the 2 supplements I give to every dog here, every day.

I hope this helps.

Cindy Rhodes

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Expert Dog Trainer Cindy Rhodes
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