May 24, 2011

I have a GSD and the best we can narrow it down, he is allergic to wheat. I am looking for wheat free treat options that I can get (or make) that are soft and chewy but a decent enough bite size. Thought you might have some suggestions?

Full Question:
Hi Cindy,

I noticed by your newsletters that you all are pretty involved in feeding raw and support certain grain free products etc...Thought you might be able to help me out. I have a GSD and the best we can narrow it down he is allergic to wheat. When he was younger he had some strange GI issues...neg EPI tests, did okay on Science Diet I/D (which is mostly corn and chicken as you know) had some antibiotics and has been fine ever since. I have kept him on a fish based grain free diet since and he has thrived. After a stint out in CA with Michael I thought the logs of dog food cut up for reward seemed handy, held together well and was relatively inexpenseive considering the amount I go through. After 2.5 weeks of lots of food reward training we started seeming some real problems. Pulled him off the log and all went back to normal. Best I can come up with was the large amount of wheat?? Anyways... looking for wheat free treat options that I can get (or make) that are soft and chewy but a decent enough bite size. There are lots of little bites like Zukes but they are too small to mean much to this guy. Thought you might have some suggestions? Thanks!

Cindy Cindy's Answer:
Cook your own treats, using meat. I buy cheap pork or beef roasts, boil them and dice them up. I also use chicken breast.

Cindy Rhodes

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Expert Dog Trainer Cindy Rhodes
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