May 24, 2011

My vet told me my dog would get sick or DIE from feeding a raw diet? I am having second thoughts about switching.

Full Question:
My vet told me my dog would get sick or DIE from feeding a raw diet? I am having second thoughts about switching.
Cindy Cindy's Answer:
This is one of the most common emails I get from people researching a raw diet OR from our puppy customers after they take their pup in for a wellness exam. When I hear this, I tell folks to find a new vet! Whether you ever switch to a raw diet or not, when veterinarians use this type of scare tactic with NO basis in fact for it, I get upset.

Most vets have very little nutritional training, and what they get in school is funded by the pet food companies. Vets and their staff are also given kickbacks, free food for their own pets and other perks for pushing their products in their office. How do I know this? I worked in the veterinary field for over a decade and before I made the switch to ‘real food’ for my dogs, I was guilty of promoting Science Diet and Hills Prescription Diets right along with the vet. To all those dogs and cats from years past, please accept my apology! I just didn’t know better.

Vets that don’t understand the dietary needs of dogs (and cats) will recommend kibble or canned food, so that each meal is complete and balanced. They will tell you that your dog will get salmonella or e-coli from raw meat. AND BONES! They will tell you your dog will have his digestive system punctured and impacted from feeding bones. (Raw bones are the foundation of this diet, cooked bones are a big taboo! ) These myths just seem to keep on being passed around, with no hard evidence to back them up.

Truth be told , bacteria is everywhere (take a sample of kibble and have it analyzed sometime, you would be amazed!)Dogs eat poop, road kill and lick their behinds every day. . Their system is different from ours. If we ate the stuff they did, WE would get sick . Dogs have a short digestive system made to handle raw meat and bones, the bacteria that is present isn’t a problem for a healthy dog. Read the books I suggest in the first section, for more detailed information.

We balance the meals our dogs eat over a period of time, much like feeding your human family. Do you have a nutritional analysis printed out for each meal you feed yourself or your kids? I think not. ? Vets and dog food companies have convinced us all that we aren’t ‘smart enough’ to feed our dogs without them making some mystery concoction out of grain and who knows what into little pellets we unquestioningly pour into our dog’s bowl each day, year after year.

I am going to again emphasize that you never feed cooked bones, that includes steak bones and those smoked real bones they sell in pet supply catalogs. They splinter and can be dangerous. I get emails from people who say they have done this all their dogs life with no problems, and to them I say…”no problems, YET.” Why risk it?

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Expert Dog Trainer Cindy Rhodes
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