August 09, 2011

I adopted a dog as a companion for my old, deaf dog who suffers from separation anxiety at night. Unfortunately this has not helped with the anxiety. Do you have any advice?

Full Question:
I have a 13 year old lab called Flossy who is deaf and suffers from separation anxiety at night. She paces the floor and scratches at my bedroom door until I can't stand it any longer and I let her in.

I have adopted a 2 year old lab/cockerspanial as companion to Flossy hopeing that this would fix the problem, but unfortunately it hasn't. Please can you help as I am getting very little sleep and it is effecting my health.
Cindy Cindy's Answer:
Is there some reason you can’t let her sleep in your room?

Is she crate or kennel trained? If so, put her in there at night.>

Adding another dog to a family where the first dog has behavioral issues rarely works and in many cases amplifies the problem.

We also have a Q&A section on separation anxiety that may help you.

Good luck!
Cindy Rhodes

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Expert Dog Trainer Cindy Rhodes
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