August 15, 2011
I adopted a 2 year old dog a few weeks ago and I'm working through the pack structure program. She's really good except for when she sees other dogs through the window and on walks. She goes NUTS! Does this mean she doesn't see me as the pack leader?
Full Question:
Hi Ed,First I want to thank you for all the information you've made available here on this website. I've been through so many of your articles, videos, and even the discussion forum and have learned a lot.
I recently adopted a 2 year old GSD a few weeks ago. I've been putting her though your pack structure program, and thing seem to be going pretty well.
She knows that she has to wait to go up/down the stairs, in/out the door/crate until I tell her she can go, she's very responsive to my rules in the house, etc. She's even responsive when I take her on a walk and there's no one else around. But I'm having one major problem with her that I'm not sure how to deal with effectively. She goes NUTS when she sees another dog. She barks like crazy when she sees another dog out the window. Walking her is even worse. Anytime she sees a dog in the distance or we have to pass a dog, she starts growling/barking/lunging at the other dog.
I've been through a lot of the discussion boards to find out how to deal with this, but there's so much information, I'm not sure what to do. I've been through your Q&A and I remember you mentioning that this is ultimately a pack leader issue. Does all this dog aggression mean she really doesn't see me as a pack leader?
I'm a little confused as to how to properly deal with her dog aggression. If this is a pack leader issue, what more do I need to do to establish myself as pack leader so she'll respond to me around other dogs? If this isn't a pack leader issue, what's the process to desensitizing her to other dogs? She's rather indifferent when we pass people, and I'd like her to be completely indifferent to other dogs as well.
Any advice you have would be greatly appreciated.

Since you've only had her a short time, I'd set her up to be more successful. I would NOT allow her look out of windows. That will take care of that problem. If you are following the pack structure program she should not be in a position to look out the window unsupervised.
I also would not be walking her where she will contact other dogs right now. You need to build the relationship first.
I would recommend Pack Structure for the Family Pet and Dealing with Dominant & Aggressive Dogs.
You will need to teach her that you are in charge of things, and that she doesn't need to react to other dogs. She won't learn it if you keep letting her do the same behaviors over and over. You need to work with her away from distractions like dogs first and then FROM A DISTANCE start working on neutralizing to other dogs.
You want her to be neutral and that can't happen if you keep letting her practice the same behaviors over and over.
If you haven't tried marker training with her, I would recommend it. It will give her something positive to focus on instead of lighting up on other dogs.
I would read our article on training dogs with Markers.
You can read this to get our definition of socializing. While this article was geared towards puppies, the info is applicable to older dogs too.
I would also recommend this 3 part video series on fear periods in dogs, it explains how to condition the dog to things that make it nervous (again geared towards puppies, but I think you'll find it helpful).
Cindy Rhodes
I also would not be walking her where she will contact other dogs right now. You need to build the relationship first.
I would recommend Pack Structure for the Family Pet and Dealing with Dominant & Aggressive Dogs.
You will need to teach her that you are in charge of things, and that she doesn't need to react to other dogs. She won't learn it if you keep letting her do the same behaviors over and over. You need to work with her away from distractions like dogs first and then FROM A DISTANCE start working on neutralizing to other dogs.
You want her to be neutral and that can't happen if you keep letting her practice the same behaviors over and over.
If you haven't tried marker training with her, I would recommend it. It will give her something positive to focus on instead of lighting up on other dogs.
I would read our article on training dogs with Markers.
You can read this to get our definition of socializing. While this article was geared towards puppies, the info is applicable to older dogs too.
I would also recommend this 3 part video series on fear periods in dogs, it explains how to condition the dog to things that make it nervous (again geared towards puppies, but I think you'll find it helpful).
Cindy Rhodes
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