September 12, 2011

I'm planning on having a baby and my significant other wants to get a GSD and do Schutzhund. He doesn't want to get the dog fixed and this makes me nervous. Advice?

Full Question:

I have read your website with interest and do have a question that is not quite answered on the site. I am not a huge dog person, and have never owned one, although I am ok with well trained dogs I know and like. Planning on having a baby, and my significant other wants to get a purebred German Shepherd and do schutzhund. I have no issue with either of these, but he wants to not get the dog fixed. He is quite good with animals. I, however, do not have a lot of dog experience and this makes me very nervous. He is absolutely insistent on not getting the dog fixed. Obviously, safety is my biggest concern, and this is causing me no end of sleepless nights.


Thank you so much,
Ed Ed's Answer:
Having a dog fixed has nothing to do with having a nice dog. Training makes the difference – training and how you manage your dog in your living environment. Those who fail to learn how to do this have problems. Not people who don’t get a dog fixed.

Send your husband to my web site and have him learn how to train with Markers. The information is there if you chose to learn.

Ed Frawley

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