September 21, 2011

My 8 month old GSD had Pano. Would the vitamin E or C make a significant difference with the food he is already getting or do you know anything else I could do for him?

Full Question:
Hi Cindy,

I have an 8 month old GSD. When he was about 5 months old he starting limping so I took him to the vet and was told to rest him. A week later he was 100%. The limp has returned and it is been about 2 1/2 weeks and he is showing no signs of improving. When it started this last time I read the article you have about pano and I ordered everything you said to give him except the vitamin E and the super C. I also cut his food back by 1/2 and he has been in a crate or at my feet the whole time. I have been giving him Embark from HK since he was a puppy and I will usually throw in some cottage cheese or chicken. You can see a few ribs and I have always kept the dog thin. He has had the limp for almost three weeks now and I don't know why it isn't improving. Would the vitamin E or C make a significant difference with the food he is already getting or do you know anything else I could do for him? Anything would help.

Thank you,
Cindy Cindy's Answer:
Hi Phil,

I would definitely add the E and C to his meals, it can make a difference. I would double the dose of Yucca also.

You may want to switch his food to something like Force for now and see if that helps.

With that said, all dogs are different so what works for me may not have the same results for you but I would definitely add the E and C. Salmon oil may also be helpful, it's a natural anti-inflammatory.

Some dogs suffer with pano on and off for months, despite our best efforts. Make sure not to vaccinate him while he's affected with pano, his system is stressed enough.

Good luck, I know it's frustrating.

Cindy Rhodes

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Expert Dog Trainer Cindy Rhodes
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