November 03, 2011
Can I use a tether instead of a crate for establishing pack leadership for our aggressive dog? My husband doesn’t want a crate in the house.
Full Question:
Hi Ed,I just ordered a dominant dog collar and a 3 series DVD that you had recommended in one of your Q&As.
My question is, my husband doesn't like to have a huge crate hanging around in our house, is it possible to substitute the crate for a 6 ft lead tied either in the dining room or our bed post, to follow your instruction on establishing pack leadership in our house. The only other option is to have the crate in our daughter's bedroom.
I want to start from scratch, even though we had our 6 year old GSD for over a year now. She was a rescue, animal aggressive.
Thanks for all your help. All the trainers in our area are asking some real big bucks to even start to help her, but I thought I would give your DVDs a try, because pack leadership seems to be the root of all aggression, in some way.
Thanks Ed.
Be well,

I think the crate is an important part of the training process, if only as a temporary tool. It is possible to work with a tether but I would use the crate at first. I’d be concerned about the dog chewing the tether or finding some other way to gain reinforcement in the tethered area.
For best results, I think a crate is the way to go (if only for the short term).
Cindy Rhodes
For best results, I think a crate is the way to go (if only for the short term).
Cindy Rhodes
User Response:
Hi Cindy,She (being Zelda) has been loose in the house for over a year now, or we put her in my daughter's room if we leave, because she jumps at the patio doors and scratches them up terribly, trying to chase the squirrels or any other animal outside. I am happy to say she isn't a chewer of anything. I have tethered her or had her attached to my hip for the last week until the DVD comes in and I can follow thru all the steps, and she barks her disapproval, but we ignore her and she stops.
What would be short term? A month, or maybe two?
Thanks for your quick email response, now that is customer service.

There is no timeline for training dogs…. Short term means “as long as it takes.” Dogs don’t work from a calendar, you need to go by the behavior you’re seeing and not a clock or calendar.
Cindy Rhodes
Cindy Rhodes
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