November 28, 2011

After teaching my dog stay I use a release word okay then my marker yes with a treat am I doing this wrong. What about when a dog is in stay and your about fifteen feet away from him and want him to call him, Fido Come does he not get confuse without using a release word before the word come?

Full Question:
I have some of your old tapes and your new Marker DVD. Great stuff.

After teaching my dog stay I use a release word okay then my marker yes with a treat am I doing this wrong. What about when a dog is in stay and your about fifteen feet away from him and want him to call him, Fido Come does he not get confuse without using a release word before the word come?
Cindy Cindy's Answer:
I think you’d benefit from The Power of Training Dogs with Food.

I believe you are a bit confused. First of all, when teaching any static exercise I try to reward the dog for staying put. I use the duration word, not the release.

When you are using your marker, the exercise is over and the dog is free to access the reward. By releasing your dog with a different word, and then using a marker you are actually rewarding the dog for the release NOT the STAY.

I would also suggest you go back and review the steps of how to use the marker, maybe re-read this.

Cindy Rhodes

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