November 28, 2011

I have a 10 year old dog with degenerative arthritis in his hock and knee in the same leg. A friend told me about Yucca and how it helps her dogs. My dog has kidney problems, would Yucca Intensive have any affect with his kidney issues.

Full Question:
I have a 10 year old male GSD who has degenerative arthritis in his hock and knee in the same leg. He is really starting to have difficulty moving around. He currently is on Glucosmine/Chrondtin/MSM; Fish Oil tablets; Duralactin; Tramadol for pain as well as Gabipentin (I?m sure I botched the spelling of that). A friend of mine was telling me about Yucca and how it helps her older dogs. Jesse does have an issue with his kidneys so he cannot take anything stronger, such as Metacam to help him. I was wondering if you knew if the Yucca Intensive would in anyway affect his kidney issues.

Thank you.
Cindy Cindy's Answer:
I got in touch with our Azmira rep about the Yucca, here is her response: I hope this helps.

Yes, Azmira actually recommends Yucca for kidney issues and inflammation etc. Yucca is safe to use with kidney issues as it can relieve inflammation and pain in the urinary tract instead of using steroids to control symptoms. Yucca also has no side effects and has the added detoxifying and liver supporting benefits.

She can triple dose the first 3 days to help the body assimilate and to def. use as directed. (ie: mixing yucca with warm water or apple juice that has no sugar added).

Cindy Rhodes

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