November 30, 2011

We're moving and can't take the 10 year old dog with us. My boyfriend wants to put him down and I want him rehomed. How do you introduce him to a new owner when he only knows from us? Will he adjusts? Or is 10 years old to late?

Full Question:
Hello Cindy,

My boyfriend has a 10 year old rottweiler.

We are moving and can't bring Dale with us. He feels that we should put him down. I just don't have the heart to do so. Called the animal shelter and they said due to his age putting him down would be better instead of remaining in a kennel. He is a great dog. I believe from reading your article he would be classified as being a dominant dog. He is great with the kids and us. He has bitten over the years. I believe after reading your articles with the proper dog owner that he could be happy? How do you introduce him to a new owner when he only knows from us? Will he adjusts? Or is 10 years old to late?
Cindy Cindy's Answer:
Any time a new adult dog comes into our house (regardless of the age) we start with our groundwork program.

If the new owners give him some structure and rules as outlined in the article, I believe giving him a chance is a much better option than euthanizing him. He may have quite a few years left, I believe he deserves a shot at a home.

I don’t believe he would do well in a kennel but in the right home he may do just fine. The new owners may also want to view this video Pack Structure for the Family Pet.

I’d have the new people come to your house and spend some time with and around Dale, and maybe take some walks with him while you all are present at first so he gets used to them. I believe it should be a gradual process for an older dog. I wouldn’t just let someone come over and take him away.

Dogs just want to know where they fit in and what to expect, the groundwork article and video show humans how to give this to the dogs in their life.

Good luck!

Cindy Rhodes

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Expert Dog Trainer Cindy Rhodes
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