December 05, 2011

I find your web site contents stupid. To put it politely.

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As a responsible dog owner and I pride my self on having two non aggressive dogs.

I find your web site contents stupid. To put it politely.

I have a dog and a bitch the bitch is only aggressive to the two sets of dogs who attacked her when she was a pup.

She is perfect with other dogs.

The dog is a bully and a coward who I have had to teach not to attack smaller dogs. Which he now understands is not acceptable.

As for advising people to use a pepper spray which is illegible in the UK or attacking dogs they feel are aggressive you are stupid.

Both of my dogs have been attacked by a bipolar person the first time my dog was rabbit punched by a runner who had to catch up with the dog first before hitting him. The second time the same runner had to cross the path to kick my bitch on the chest who was running to meet me.

The first time I was walking 4 dogs and as my dog was a pup the 3 other dogs went to take on the runner which I had to call off. To my regret at that time I did not know he was an idiot.

The runner has subsequently attacked other dogs and myself from behind and I had a witness he is now banned from the area of my village by the police!!

Dog owners who do not allow their dogs to meet other dogs are looking for trouble.

Dogs are social animals the meeting and sniffing of the tail is part of the dogs greeting by not allowing your dogs to take part in this greeting this will offend the other dog. And will make them appear aggressive when they try to sniff the dogs tail.

Eric Bubb
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