March 08, 2012

Most of all though I feel sorry for the dogs you train and own. How awful it must be for them to have to experience so much pain simply because of your ignorance and stupidity.

Full Question:
Hi Cindy: I just finished reading your pile of you know what about dog aggression and dog parks--unfrickinbelievable....what an ignorant not to mention callous and cold-hearted individual you are. So you would pepper spray someone's dog who is just approaching your precious little canine? You would have no qualms about smashing the skull of another dog who showed aggression towards your dog? You would use a cruel spike collar and remote device to control a dog's misbehavior? And on and on and on....

Just curious: what do you suppose would be the reaction of some guy who's, say, 6 feet tall, weighs 200 lbs and whose dog you just maimed with a blow to the head with your damn stick? Ummmmnhhnh? Why in hell would you spout drivel like this? Do you have a death wish? Are you trying to incite mayhem between humans? If you came to California and tried out some of your defense techniques in some of the inner city dog parks around here, I can guarantee that we'd all be reading your obituary the next day.

Most of all though I feel sorry for the dogs you train and own. How awful it must be for them to have to experience so much pain simply because of your ignorance and stupidity.

--Pat Dowling
Leerburg Leerburg's Answer:
Hi Pat,

Cindy forwarded me your e-mail. I must say I did get some entertainment value out of it. And assuming your somewhat threating remarks are not meant to be taken literaly I will entertain your comments.

First off, we would never put our dogs in harm's way by taking them into a dog park, much less an “inner city” dog park. If you would take some pictures of this place it would be greatly appreciated because right now I have an image of a scene from a bad police drama, only with dogs running wild everywhere. We do not bring our dogs to dog parks, however we do walk our dogs, and we often do this in parks that allow dogs but require them to behave and be on a leash. This avoids being put into a situation where we are required to defend our dogs from irresponsible pet owners.

I would also like to mention that you have also apparently never met nor seen Rush, Cindy’s Malinois, do bite work. I have posted a link to a video here to show you just how afraid rush and Cindy are of this 6ft 200 lb. overly aggressive steroid junkie that you mention in your e-mail. This video was filmed shortly before Cindy brought rush to California (the place you find so dangerous) to compete in the Mondioring nationals

Your logic is also flawed in the aspect that if using pepper spray on a dog that is attacking or about to attack your own dog is going to infuriate these crazed people, in your obviously very dangerous neighborhood, why would you not then turn the pepper spray on the attacker? We are also fortunate here in the state of WI to have a concealed carry law. This equalizes your alleged giants impending height and weight.

Most of all I feel very sorry for your dogs, that you are allowing to be attacked at these dog parks. Your dog must live in fear knowing that at any time one of these violent criminals from the dog park could break into the house and they will not be protected by you. Instead you will more than likely use them as a distraction to escape with your own safety. It must be awful for them. But it’s ok some people should not own dogs…

Also a word of advice Don’t “spout drivel” on subjects you are uneducated on, which I’m going to assume is a long list. You never know who is going to read it and how it makes you look.

Jeff Frawley

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