December 13, 2012

How would you position a dog with only one leg for xrays?

Full Question:
I am an x-ray tech and my dog is an 11 year old pit/hound which is missing her back left leg since age 1. She fell from a walking position and has not been able to walk since for the last 36 hours. I want to take her to the x-ray school I attended and take hip views. My question is, is there any special positioning to concider for her as she only has the one leg. The left leg is amputated flush with the under belly. Any help would b greatly apprieciated.
Cindy Cindy's Answer:
I'd attempt to position her in the same way as a dog with both back legs, keeping her as straight as you can. It may take an extra tech to stablilize her in position.

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Expert Dog Trainer Cindy Rhodes
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