October 22, 2013

I'm not actually having a problem, I just wanted to know if my German Shepherd is just being a German Shepherd or has he taken being protective to a whole new level.

Full Question:
Hi, I'm not actually having a problem. Just wanted to know if my 2 1/2 year old German Shepherd is just being a German Shepherd or has he taken being protective to a whole new level.

I take him to the dog park frequently where we have miles and miles of off leash paths through the woods to walk through. We meet lots of dogs and for some reason, if there is a problem anywhere, my dog has to get involved and sort it out peacefully. If a little dog looks like he's being picked on, Dax is there or if other dogs look like they're playing too rough, Dax breaks it up.

I've never had anyone complain when I tell them Dax is just protecting the little dog. Usually the owner of the aggressor runs for his dog. Dax has and would never hurt another dog. He just has his way of calmly letting them know what's acceptable dog behavior in Dax's world, lol. To me, Dax just seems to think the whole dog park is his pack and he looks after them all like a mother hen. Is this natural for German Shepherds?
Ed Ed's Answer:
I bred Germans Shepherds for close to 35 years – working bloodline GSD’s. There isn’t a mold these GSDs fit into. There are too many different bloodlines, different types and different temperaments.

So the behavior of your dog is not related to his breed.

I have strong feelings about the unacceptability and danger of dog parks. I suggest you read the article I wrote about Dog Parks. The fact is, dogs do not need other dogs to play with. They need their own pack and they need to learn to ENGAGE with their pack leader (that’s you). If they have that they are happy.

I honestly believe that you are one dog (the wrong dog) away from a drop dead serious dog fight. I think you need to ask yourself if you know how to break up a serious dog fight without getting hurt. It doesn’t sound like that’s the case. Dog fights are very dangerous to break up – have a look at the photos that people like yourself have sent me. These are not pretty picture but to ignore how they happened is a mistake.

No one likes to be told they have been doing things incorrectly. I hope you take this advice the way it was meant, which was to help. You need to change the way you are looking at these dog parks and your dog. The first time he tries stepping into an incident with a dominant Pitt bull or Rott or Chow, you are going to witness the fight of your life.

Ed Frawley

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