February 17, 2014

Our leashed dog was attacked by an out of control dog yesterday. What can we do to defend our dog in the future?

Full Question:
Hi Cindy,

I have a doberman raised on Leerburg. So my dog and I are well trained on the Leerburg method as of 1 year. We are new and doing great.

We were walking on a forest trail yesterday when our leashed dog was attacked by a dog whose owner was irresponsible and completely without any control. The dog was on a harness which was useless. My husband and I had to kick the dog repeatedly in the head to get him off. He was sinking his teeth in our dog's back and side, while our dog was screaming and trying to get away. It was horrible as I'm sure you can imagine. She had welts in a number of places and was traumatized to say the least. I consider ourselves lucky - it could have easily been much worse. She did pass some little dogs a bit later and it appears she will be okay.

We need your help. What can we do to defend our dog from this happening again? Is carrying mace an option? I am horrified and feel like I let my dog down by not protecting her.

Cindy Cindy's Answer:
I would read this article, "What Should I Do if Attacked By a Dog?"

I'm so sorry that this happened to you all, I know how traumatic it can be.

Cindy Rhodes
User Response:

This article is great. It's incredible how much humans can screw up dogs. This was an enormous help. I will take all this information to heart knowing now I'm much better prepared. Leerburg is a wonderful business. 


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Expert Dog Trainer Cindy Rhodes
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