September 24, 2014

An individual at the dog park was pushing away a puppy that didn't belong to him and when it tried to nip him he grabbed it by the scruff, shook it and threw it. This happened 3 times before someone intervened. What would you advise to do if your puppy is handled this way?

Full Question:
Hi there Cindy/Ed. Big fan of your work.

I know you do not advocate dog parks. I will admit I do frequent them from time to time. Anyways I was witness to what I believed was another horror story. An individual at the dog park was trying to water his dog. A 3 month old husky puppy belonging to another owner took over his water bowl.

He kept trying to push it away, and when the puppy nipped at him he lost his cool and gripped the pup by the scruff of the neck, lifted it, shook it and took it 10 meters away and threw it. This happened 3 times. Very quickly. The owner didn't really see what happened till the last time. Another individual took the dog away to the owner so this individual would not repeat I however told the individual he should not handle somebody else's puppy this way as it can seriously effect the pup negatively, and that he should not try discipline other people's dogs. What do you think of this behavior? What would you advise one do if his puppy was handled like this?
Cindy Cindy's Answer:
This is something that would NEVER happen to one of my pups no matter where I was because I don't allow my puppies to interact with anyone I don't know. I certainly wouldn't be at a dog park and I never take my attention OR my leash off my pup when I am out in public. This was the owner's fault for not supervising his puppy, he let his puppy down.

Cindy Rhodes

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