November 19, 2018

We will be moving overseas to Japan (military) with our dog. Any tips in general and any favorite pet shippers?

Full Question:
We will be moving overseas to Japan (military) with our dog. Any tips in general and any favorite pet shippers? Dog (Dutch Shepherd) is only 65lbs, but because he has such a long neck/long legs and big pointy ears putting him at 35" tall while sitting which equals giant #700 kennel and cargo only status.
Cindy Cindy's Answer:
I don't have any shipping recommendations, it's been quite a few years since we've shipped any dogs internationally.

To make things easier for your dog, I would make sure he is very comfortable in the crate you will be shipping him in. I would make it his new bed and feed him in there so he likes being crated. Before you put him in the crate for the flight, make sure he's had lots of exercise so he's tired and ready to hang out. Try not to be anxious about the whole process, he will pick up on that it will make it more stressful for him.

Good luck with your move. Thanks to you and your family for their service and sacrifice.
User Response:
A huge thanks for all the ways you and your husband have done to help serve and protect on the home front.

Especially raising your kids to also serve, and of course, K9 training/advice for LEO/S&R working dogs and for military family pets who are really emotional therapy dogs while the service member deploys. :)

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Expert Dog Trainer Cindy Rhodes
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