February 15, 2021

I have a 4 month old puppy that wants to sniff everything while we are on walks. I try redirecting to me, I mark and reward but he would rather return to sniffing. Could you give me advice on how to get a nice steady walk with him?

Full Question:
Hi Cindy,

I have a 4 month Rhodesian Ridgeback (45 lb) who wants to sniff everything on leash walks, on public sidewalks and on my own acreage. I walk him 3x per day (10 min) before meals, in addition to various potty breaks. He eliminates on his own property (not on walks) and I would like walks to be steady. I try to redirect him to me, mark and move, followed by a high value reward. Often times he is not pushing for the reward and prefers his nose to the ground but will otherwise redirect to me (from walkers, joggers, other dogs, bicyclists). His walks are with a properly fitted prong collar & oversized DD collar and he only walks continuously if I refuse to stop (I continue walking) but I am walking as if to ignore him and the walk gets bumpy and it can’t be fun for him although he doesn’t seem bothered and will follow me only to repeat his same sniffing, hence another bumpy walk. Can you please provide advice for leash walking for nice steady walks, including my equipment?
Cindy Cindy's Answer:
It's not unusual for puppies of this age to not be the best "walkers".

I am actually raising a German Shepherd puppy right now who is the same age and I don't even bother trying to accomplish the kind of leashed walk I will eventually participate in with him. It's more about building a relationship and letting him learn about the world. 4-month-old large breed puppies are like 7-8-year-old kids. They're learning about the world and puppies do this through their nose. I certainly don't expect puppies of this age to walk with me in a state of engagement. It's simply too much for most of them.

I do engagement sessions (once or twice a day) and then I take some very casual walks where we go out and explore. My puppy is on a long line and he's free to do as he pleases within reason. I reinforce him checking in with me with food rewards and redirect him off of things I don't want him to have (deer poop, etc.) with food as well. I always make sure I either have the long line in my hand or where I can step on it. Once the puppy is a bit older then I might take some more structured walks on a leash but keep in mind that your puppy is very young AND he's a hound so his genetic tendency is going to be to use his nose a LOT.

You may want to review Loose Leash walking and implement those techniques as he matures.

User Response:
Beautiful. Thank you very much.

In the midst of trying to expose him to all the sounds, scents, and the world, etc., I am expecting too much. I am going to back up and start over. He’s just a baby and is teething. PS - Yes, I do understand .... iguana poop in Florida! That’s a YUK for sure.

Thank you again.

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Expert Dog Trainer Cindy Rhodes
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