November 15, 2022
I’d like to teach scent detection to my dog for fun, which scent kit is best for us?
Full Question:
Good afternoon. I am about to purchase the Foundation of Sport Detection DVD/online course and am wondering what supporting target scent "kit" you recommend. I see there are CKC kits, AKC kits, UKC kits, NACSW kits et al available. Can you explain the key differences and why I might choose one over the other? I have a Belgian malinois/shepherd cross whom I would like to train for scent detection - at this point just for "fun" and mental stimulation ... for both of us. :)Thanks for any assistance you can provide. 

The different kits are set up for the different scent work organizations, should you want to participate in trials. So if you want to trial and title your dog in CKC events, I'd suggest the kit for that organization so your dog is familiar with the scents they use in their events. If you are just doing this for fun, it really makes no difference. The dogs LOVE this training! I hope this helps!
User Response:
It does help. Thanks for the prompt reply Cindy. Much appreciated. 

You're very welcome, thanks for your business!
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