August 02, 2023
When I take the leash off of my 6 month old Rottweiler she forgets all of her training and we are having an issue with mouthing. Someone suggested a muzzle or ecollar , will this help my situation?
Full Question:
Hi, I've been watching your videos and they really helped me to realize what is normal with puppies. We have a 6 month old female Rottweiler we also have 5 children ages 15 to 6. We did puppy kindergarten at 8 weeks and then at 16 weeks we did a 4 week training class where we dropped her off 4 days a week and brought her home every night at 4pm. We still go back for training 2 times a week together for a half hour. My problem is when her leash and prong are off she forgets all her training. We are also having an issue with mouthing. She's a wonderful dog and I know that I'm doing something wrong I just don't know what it is. Someone suggested I use a muzzle when she bites or an e collar. I've grown up with border collies, poodles and a Belgian tervuren. We never used those tools. I'm just wondering if you think they help my situation or if I'm just not giving it enough time. 

You're not giving her enough time, she's only 6 months old. That's about the equivalent of an 8-9 year old child. Rottweilers are very slow to mature mentally as well. I would not use a muzzle or a remote collar for normal puppy behavior like mouthing.
Obedience training classes are good and it sounds like you are doing a great job but I'll give you an analogy and since you have kids this may make more sense to you.
It would be like if you took your kids to a classroom once or twice a week and they were taught all how to read, be polite, follow the rules , etc and then you brought them home and turned them loose without any way to remind them of the rules the other hours of the day. Puppies in my home are NEVER off leash and out of my direct supervision unless they are in a crate, exercise pen or kennel (and I've raised hundreds of them, both for our own family and for clients)
Dogs, like kids, all have different personalities and temperaments. Some kids just need a stern look and others need to be put in time out or have privileges removed. My parents raised Rottweilers and they are very powerful dogs that tend to lack physical sensitivity especially compared to the 3 breeds you mentioned that you grew up with.
I'll add some resources for you below.
Obedience training classes are good and it sounds like you are doing a great job but I'll give you an analogy and since you have kids this may make more sense to you.
It would be like if you took your kids to a classroom once or twice a week and they were taught all how to read, be polite, follow the rules , etc and then you brought them home and turned them loose without any way to remind them of the rules the other hours of the day. Puppies in my home are NEVER off leash and out of my direct supervision unless they are in a crate, exercise pen or kennel (and I've raised hundreds of them, both for our own family and for clients)
Dogs, like kids, all have different personalities and temperaments. Some kids just need a stern look and others need to be put in time out or have privileges removed. My parents raised Rottweilers and they are very powerful dogs that tend to lack physical sensitivity especially compared to the 3 breeds you mentioned that you grew up with.
I'll add some resources for you below.
User Response:
Thank you so much for responding. I will continue to work with her, I Absolutely adore her. I'll work every day with her. I'm going to also look at the material you suggested. I get it now it will take time and Repetition. Thank you again!!
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