October 26, 2023
Can my dog whelp her puppies in the kennel within earshot of other dogs or would this be too stressful for her?
Full Question:
Hi, Cindy.I know you guys bred GSD for many years. I have your Whelping video and I am watching it again. I am building a kennel and training facility and I would like to ask for your advice.
How important is it that the Dam be completely separated from the presence of all other dogs during whelping? What I mean is, can she be in the same structure and within earshot, but totally separated and secured from other dogs or do you still feel this is too stressful for her?
It would be a LOT more convenient for me if I could keep her kenneled with the other dogs if possible. If not, I will probably need to bring the whole whelping box and operation into the house - not the ideal situation.
Thanks for your advice!

This is something that has so many variables it's really hard to answer. It depends on the female, how experienced she is with whelping and how relaxed she will be in that environment.
Personally, I find that keeping the females in their own private, quiet area away from the sounds of the other dogs is best for their stress levels. I whelp all my females either in our private whelping rooms or in my house.
Personally, I find that keeping the females in their own private, quiet area away from the sounds of the other dogs is best for their stress levels. I whelp all my females either in our private whelping rooms or in my house.
User Response:
Cindy,Okay, thanks very much for your reply! Better safe than sorry. Sounds like she needs to come inside!
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