October 02, 2024

I'ma dog trainer and some clients don't want to give treats directly from their hand to reward the dog. Can placing the treat on the ground be an acceptable alternative ?

Full Question:
Hi Cindy,

Becoming a dog trainer here using very much relationship / engagement-based training approach.

I can imagine I'm going to run into clients who absolutely don't want to give their dog treats directly from their hand (since I know owners like that already). Apart from offering to show them how to do so safely and encouraging them to do so for the more direct connection to you, how absolutely necessary or unnecessary is that delivery when it comes to food rewards? Is placing it on the ground in the closest correct placement an acceptable alternative?

Thank you in advance!
Cindy Cindy's Answer:
I think this is one of those case-by-case scenarios so the answer would be "that depends" It depends on the dog, the client and the behavior you are training. If they don't want to do it because the dog bites their fingers, then they need to be taught the correct way to deliver a food reward.

With that said, a food reward on the ground is better than none at all although then the dog will likely be more focused on the ground and guessing where the next reward comes from instead of staying connected with the handler.

We recently released a new course on using food, maybe it might give you some ideas for clients?
User Response:
Thanks Cindy! It's more of a "yuck" factor (the slobber issue) with a few people I know, so it's more that. I know what you mean about focusing on the ground.... a bit of a tough one! Thanks for the video suggestion- will go on my shopping list! :)

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Expert Dog Trainer Cindy Rhodes
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